veľký abstraktný obraz
All you deserve – XL farebený štruktúrovaný obraz
April showers – veľký abstraktný obraz
Chilly morning
Enchanted roses
Expect the best
Flowers in the wind – pestrofarebný abstraktný obraz
Hidden miracles – large colorful abstract painting
Life changes – veľký abstraktný obraz
Lost in dream – veľký abstraktný obraz
Memories of Iceland
On the waves of happiness – large colorful abstract painting
Peaceful day
Playing all day long – farebný abstraktný obraz
Sailing around Greenland
Serotonin- pestrofarebný abstraktný obraz
Sitting on the waterfall – abstraktný obraz
Summer walks
The first frost
The Sun in the grass
There was once a forest – veľký abstraktný obraz
Waiting for the rain
We are the forest
You deserve the best