abstrakný obraz
Blessings from above- trojdielny abstrakt
Chilly morning
Cold breath – modrý, strieborný, biely abstraktný obraz
Endless possibilities – XXL ružovo-medený obraz
Expect the best
Facing the wind
Fata morgana No.5
Golden fierlds
Golden horizon
Golden winter
How far can you go – farebný abstraktný obraz
I will meet you in the forest
It’s raining joy
July walks
June walks
Last trees – abstrakná krajina
No storm is strong enought to break us – XXL abstract painting
Nordic sky
One way or another – XL farebný abstrakt
Peaceful day
Rays of Life – textured abstract
Resting nature – XXL abstract landscape
Sailing around Greenland
Savanna grassland
Savanna heat