Black mountains
Blessings from above- trojdielny abstrakt
Blue frost
Brain vs. Emotions
Brave- XXL colorful abstract
Breaking the barriers
Breath of the Earth
Burning river – XL abstraktný obraz
Caribbean evenings – diptych abstract painting
Caribbean sunset
Caught in Love – červený abstraktný obraz
Chilly morning
Clean soul
Cold breath – modrý, strieborný, biely abstraktný obraz
Coming home from a business trip
Comming closer
Coral Reef – Large colorful abstract
Crazy April No.8 – XXLoranžový abstraktný obraz
Crazy beautiful No.22 – XXL pestrofarebý abstraktný obraz
Crazy beautiful Vol. 2
Creation of the Land
Cross the borders No. 1 – modrý minimalistický obraz
Cross the borders No. 2 – blue minimalistic abstract
Cross the borders No. 3 -silver, tintin minimalistic abstract
Crossroads of life